Monday, April 2, 2007

Perpetual Sorness

Walking was a bit difficult Monday at work, I'm really glad I'm taking the supplements for my joints though! There was no way I was going anywhere near stairs today! I had strength training again today, which went pretty well. Really worked my arms, which need it, but burns! My sore hamstrings weren't really happy with me either. I gave myself a chance to eat dinner and stretch since I was wiped after the workout. Later that night I ran another almost 5 miles on the treadmill. I had to since I won't be doing anything besides sit-ups the next 2 days. I went nice and slow and it went well, sore hamstrings and all. Yeah for watching the Amazing Race! Nothing like international travel to keep me motivated. I'm guessing no stairs tomorrow either.

I'm taking tomorrow off since it's my birthday and I'm going to the Twins game! Wednesday I have to work both jobs, so nothing that day either. See you Thurday!

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